PCR Tube Adventures: Another Failed Experiment

We've all been there. A failed experiment. What went wrong? According to studies published in Science and Biotechniqueslow-quality plastics could be the problem. Watch as our plastic PCR tube struggles with the experiences of failure, just like a scientist.

(if you have trouble following along, read the script below)

[wpvideo pELJy45j]

Video by Ian Street, Ph.D. (@IHStreet)

“Another failed experiment.”

PCR tube 1 takes a drink of ethanol from a pipette tip.PCR tube 2: “Drinking away your sorrows? What’s wrong?”PCR tube 1: “...I failed…at PCR”.After much more drinking...PCR tube falls over drunk, spilling contents everywhere.

It's not your fault you failed, you were made with low quality plastic.



#LabShopping Tip 3: Use Twitter for customer service issues


#LabShopping Tip Number 2