#LabShopping Tip Number 2

Welcome to our Tuesday morning series to help scientists become better shoppers for lab supplies.

Equipment (centrifuges, freezers, etc.) cost $1000-$10,000's. A good shopper can save $100-$1,000's on one purchase. Our #LabShopping Tip Number 2 is:

Buy from a manufacturer, not a distributor.

Prices (and energy consumption) increase once a piece of equipment leaves the manufacturer for a distributor. Cut out the middle man and find out the manufacturer name. Then call them, follow Tip Number 1, and get a quote.Note: not all manufacturers sell their products to the end user. They depend solely on distributors to do that.

If you want help with searching or shopping for lab supplies, contact us.

PCR Tube Adventures: Another Failed Experiment


Lab Shopping Deals of Week 13 of 2014