Tips & Recommendations for PCR Beginners

We asked the science community on Twitter to share their favorite tips for PCR beginners:

“When using strips, BE SURE to label one end of the strip to know your reaction order. It’s easy to mix up which end you started on.”@IHStreet


“Patience, patience, patience…And yeah, always controls. No exceptions.”@GoldenMole


“Don’t forget to write down which well has your negative control. Also, PCR is witchcraft.”@SFriedScientist


“Don’t mix flat and dome caps in the same cycle!”@IHStreet


“Always run a control, run your samples in duplicate, use a gradient PCR machine, and take detailed notes.”@HeidiKayDeidi


3 Recommendations for a More Sustainable Lab - from @IHStreet


Message from our President: If scientists are falsifying data, are suppliers and manufacturers, too?