Message from our President: If scientists are falsifying data, are suppliers and manufacturers, too?

HappiLabs President Tom Ruginis.In recent years there has been a rise in the quantity of retracted papers due to false data. Is this trend limited to scientists? Most people are unaware there is minimal regulation of the price and quality of lab supplies. Anyone can make and sell products to scientists. A system without “watchdogs” or regulation is more likely to contain false information.Therefore, HappiLabs is collecting, organizing, and analyzing product quality data from suppliers and manufacturers. We will identify and promote the companies that are transparent and fair with their product information.This will result in an increase in the overall quality of scientific research, which is part of our mission.We want you to focus on your research, and we’ll make sure you’re using high-quality products. We’re here to help your lab. Use us.Learn more at and follow us on Twitter @HappiLabs_org .

Tom Ruginis


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