What is the Busiest Day for Ordering Lab Supplies?

Wednesdays.Fridays are 20% slower in terms of orders compared to the rest of the week.HappiLabs took a snapshot of the last 10,000 orders placed by the Virtual Lab Manager team by day of the week.IMG_6159 

Why ordering slows on Fridays 

Tuesdays and Wednesdays are busiest for order requests, perhaps reflecting scientists ordering for the next work week or VLMs working hard to get orders in that will deliver by week's end.Scientists may not be making as many order requests on Fridays because the weekend is calling. Scientists like to have fun too.Many suppliers will  not ship on Fridays or process an order until the following week (especially if a West coast scientists requests an item from an East Coast supplier on Friday afternoon). VLMs know this and may hold off on ordering until Monday morning because the order will not ship or sometimes even be processed until then anyhow. Scientists likely have a sense of this as well.It just goes to show that scientists and the scientific supply chain are working for the weekend.  


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