Too Subtle Product Differences

Mimicry is pretty common in nature. As in nature, so with lab supplies.An ever-evolving ocean of distinct products exists. No one scientist needs all products available in their career, of course. However, even when focused on basic items, confusion can occur due to what is essentially mimicry, AKA "branding".For example:WhySimilarItemsThat "plus" makes all the difference for whether tissue will stay on the slide's surface or if it's just a slide where tissue won't adhere.It's easy to see a lab stocking both kinds of slide for various purposes.This issue could easily come up when ordering too. "Get me more Superfrost" slides...and the "Plus" gets left off.


A lab manager could store each slide in separate places, or mark the Superfrost Plus slides to be distinct when they are delivered.Manufacturers could help by making packaging distinct (in this case, they don't).Fisher and other suppliers can do better.In the mean time, lab managers and scientists will have to be hyper-vigilant in making sure they order and use the right product for their work, especially when near-mimics exist.Photo credit: Heliconius butterfly mimicry. Wikimedia commons, CC 2.5, from Meyer A, PLoS Biology, Vol. 4/10/2006, e341 doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0040341.


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