Lab Save of the Week: Gel spatula, $8.55 or $74.95?

Recently, one of our Virtual Lab Managers received a request for a spatula to open gel cassettes and transfer gels from one location to another. The customer found this product through Invitrogen for $45 plus $29.95 for shipping.putty knifeBefore we place orders, we always check prices and products at other sites. We were able to track down a similar product--a putty knife--on Amazon for $8.55 with free shipping, a $66.40 save for customer. Yay!Invitrogen- Gel Knife, Catalog #EI9010, $45.00 (+$29.95 shipping)Amazon- Harris Premier chisel tool, $8.55 (free shipping)

What would you do with $66.40?

By paying attention to your lab spending, you can avoid overpaying for products. 


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