Can scientists keep a closer eye on their lab's spending?

Academic research is largely funded by tax dollars. Unfortunately, scientists lack efficient resources to compare prices and stretch those tax dollars, which results in them frequently overpaying for lab equipment, consumables, etc.We were recently shopping for a lab after their scientist requested an order of HEPES. We searched their records and they had previously purchased it (before they hired us) from Millipore for $429.00. One of our Virtual Lab Managers found a similar product from P212121 for $147.63, saving the lab $281.37...for one order! As a taxpayer, what could you do with that extra money?research lab funding savings efficient budgetHow many of these errors are made on a daily basis? A LOT! Does the NIH care? Do taxpayers care? HappiLabs cares!Side note: This post was partially inspired by a tweet from @Doctor_PMS.


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