Meet our newest microjobber: Lauren Sakowski (@LaSaks87)

Science marketing communications microjobWe recently opened a new microjob position and hired a neuroscientist/molecular biologist/grad student getting ready to defend her thesis. Say hello to Lauren Sakowski. She'll be doing for us what Ian Street, PhD (@IHStreet) and Andrew Thaler, PhD (@SFriedScientist) did for us last year--create and publish content to our blog.Lauren is interested in expanding her skill set to potentially land a writing or communications job after she lands her PhD in March. We will help her with that. Expect to see a couple blog posts telling a story about the neuroscience of shopping for a lab.Currently she also writes at her own blog, NeuroCultureBlog. You can follow her on Twitter, @LaSaks87, and you can read a couple fun facts about Lauren at the HappiLabs People page.Related Posts:The Neuroscience of Shopping for T75 Cell Culture FlasksBy Ian Street, PhD - PCR Tube Adventures: Don't fear the Master MixBy Andrew Thaler, PhD - 3 Unconventional Tips for New Graduate Students


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