A List of Woman-Run Scientific Suppliers

We analyzed 70 common distributors and manufacturers of scientific supplies, services, and equipment. There are only 6 that are run by women. If this is important for you as you shop for lab supplies, support the companies below.Elizabeth-Iorns-scientific-supplierScience Exchange - Elizabeth Iorns, PhD is the CEO and co-Founder of this hot startup that supplies scientists with easier access to experiments.Dot Scientific - Dorothy Boone is the Founder and President of this distributor of general lab supplies and equipment.Chemglass Life Science - Regina Surdam is CEO of this manufacturer of scientific and chemistry products, and supplier of chromatography vials and closures.Gilson - Atika El Sayed, PhD is the CEO of this manufacturer and supplier of a wide range of manual and automated liquid handling solutions.Macherey-Nagel - Carolin Wagner is the CEO of this supplier specializing in filtration, chromatography, Rapid Testing, bioanalysis, and medical diagnostics.Recently discovered: Cori J. Smith owns BioLink Scientific, a distributor of general laboratory suplies.To see our full analysis, visit: An Analysis of Woman-owned Scientific Suppliers


How to shop for expensive 384-well plates


#LabShopping Tip 6: Shop at Amazon for Scientific Supplies