3 more awesome 3D printed tools for scientists

A few weeks back, we looked at several 3D printed objects that can help reduce cost in your laboratory. 3D printers have the potential not only to help scientists produce their own cheap consumables, but can also make complex, innovative tools. Advanced 3D printer users have access to myriad opportunities to expand their research. Here are 3 of our favorite advance 3D printing projects for scientists.microscope_preview_featuredA Fully Printable Microscope: It may not be the highest quality microscope on the market, but this 3D printed beauty is perfect for taking into the field, the classroom, or anywhere else that you need a microscope but don't want to risk your expensive, high-end models.Swiss Army Tube Block of Science: An awesome tube rack that can handle all six common sizes for sample tubes - 0.2mL, 0.5mL, 1.5/2mL, 5.0mL, 15mL, and 50mL. This is an incredibly handy item to have around the lab for those big, multi-volume projects.Open Source Orbital Shaker: Commercial shakers can run upwards of $1500. This open source orbital shaker, built from 3D printed parts, common off-the-shelf materials, and easy to find electronics, costs less than $150. Check out this video of the shaker in action:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1d4_SQBTFjg


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