3 recommendations for scientists searching for jobs

Recommendations for a job searchThe science job market is a tough place. The number of PhD's granted each year continues to rise while available funding shrinks. More and more PhD-scientists are looking beyond the halls of academia for employment. Here are 3 simple tips to help you maximize your job search, regardless of industry.1. Know where to look. You can't find gold unless you know where to dig. If you're a scientist trying to find an academic job, both Science and Nature run employment websites. Within specific disciplines, look for e-mail listserves like Eco-log or Evol-dir that post post-doctoral and faculty positions. If you're looking to break out of the academic bubble, you'll find that social networks like LinkedIn are invaluable.2. Throw yourself out there, don't be afraid to make cold calls. You don't have to wait for a company or department to announce a their job openings. If there's a company, institution, start-up, or NGO that you want to work for, let them know. Find out who's in charge of hiring decisions and send them your CV or resume. Let them know you're interested. At the very least, you'll be on their RADAR when they do start hiring. 3. Know the difference between a CV and a Resume. A CV is a comprehensive list of your academic achievements. Universities and academic institutions want to see CV's. A resume is a 1-page summary of your experience and qualificationsCorporations, businesses, and NGO's generally want to see resumes. Columbia University has a great tipsheet on how to turn CV's into resumes. 


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